Feeling Overwhelmed Managing Your Own Website? Here’s What a Marketing Company Can Do

Let’s face it, running a business as a tradesman is tough. You wear a million hats – the skilled craftsman, the estimator, the scheduler, and sometimes even the accountant. It’s no wonder you might feel overwhelmed trying to stay in business.

a tire shop keeper overwhelmed with building their own website

The last thing you want to fuss with is why your website is ranking poorly on Google, or why it’s loading too slow, or why it’s not displaying at all.

That’s where a marketing company comes in…

  • Let a marketing company optimize your website: You could spend months redesigning your website in the way experts are telling you to do. But a marketing company already understands effective website design, and can transform your website within days, or a week at best. A marketing company knows how to use optimization techniques that will pull your business from the bottom of the search engine pile and push you up to the top where you can compete.
  • Let a marketing company create your content: Even though you are skilled and professional at what you do, writing all the content, and organizing all the photos, can take up so much of your precious time. A marketing company knows the principles of effective content; it’s just a matter of getting the specifics about your industry. Whether it’s blog articles, social media posts, advertising copy, or even video, let a marketing company handle this part for you.
  • Let a marketing company repair a broken website: Websites built on cheap, inexpensive platforms tend to suffer problems like pages not loading, error messages appearing, and elements shifting out of place. A marketing company has technical staff who can repair these problems using solutions that keep your website running effectively, and can maintain it on an on-going basis against malware, hacks, and viruses.

Making it Affordable: You might be thinking, “Isn’t hiring a marketing company expensive?”

The good news is, there are affordable options available. Companies like Choctaw Websites, based right here in McAlester, OK (at [choctawwebsites.com]), specialize in creating user-friendly, optimized websites for small businesses, all within budget. They can also help you develop a content strategy and manage your social media presence.

Invest in Your Business, Invest in Yourself: Hiring a marketing company is an investment in your business, but it’s also an investment in yourself. By freeing up your time and helping you reach more customers, you can take your business to the next level and finally achieve that work-life balance you deserve.

So, if you’re a tradesman feeling overwhelmed by the marketing side of things, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sash Johnson at Choctaw Websites. We can help you build an online presence that attracts new customers and allows you to focus on what you do best – providing exceptional service. After all, a little help can go a long way in taking your business to the next level.


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